Tour JPII or Schedule a Shadow Day

We invite you to schedule a personalized, student-led tour of our campus to learn more about what sets St. John Paul II Catholic High School apart! 
Tours are available during the school year on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9:00am and 1:00pm. Summer tours are offered in June and July from Monday through Thursday between 9:00am and 1:00pm. Appointment required.
If none of these dates or times are good for your family, please call us at 256-430-1760, ext. 2117, or email us at

Shadow Day
Our Shadow Day program is one of our most successful student onboarding programs at JPII. Students often leave at the end of the day feeling like part of our Falcon family. We pair interested students with current students who have similar interests and academic abilities. Visiting students get to see our wonderful teachers in action, get to interact with other students during classes, and get to learn more about our house system and our very popular Flight Time. Eighth-grade students and potential transfer students experience first-hand what it is like to be a JPII Falcon!

Schedule a Tour or a Shadow Day

Falcon Logo - Schedule Personalized Tour
Falcon for a Day parent quote

- Parent of a 10th-grade student

Shadow Day FAQs

When should I be dropped off?
Please arrive in the front office between 8:00am and 8:10am latest; school begins promptly at 8:20am. 

What to wear?
Jeans or long pants are fine as long as there are no holes or rips. Please no clothing or accessories with suggestive language or graphics. Polos or button-down shirts are perfect. It can get cold inside the building so you may bring a sweatshirt or sweater.

What should I bring with me?
A small bag with your lunch, notebook, and pen would be great! Our school policy does not allow cell phone usage during the day except during Flight Time (45min lunch break) or if a teacher allows it, so we ask you to please keep your phone inside your bag during class. 

What's for lunch?
We ask that you bring a packed lunch.

Do I have to spend the whole day at JPII? 
Though we highly encourage the full-day experience, if it is not possible for you to miss an entire day at your school, you are invited to spend a partial day with us. If this is the case, let us know.

When should I get picked up? 
The day will end at 3:20pm and you may be picked up in the front office at that time, however, we may ask you to come into the Admissions office for a couple of minutes before you leave so we can hear how your day went.