St. John Paul II Catholic High School encourages spiritual growth through the Gospel message, community, worship, and service. We encourage students to embrace the faith in their lives, to understand community in a global as well as local sense, to experience personal and communal prayer, and to realize that service to others is basic to the Gospel message of Jesus. All experiences seek to invite students to deepen their faith, rooted in the way of Christ and the Catholic tradition.
Our Campus Ministry program provides opportunities for our students to Pray, Grow, and Serve.
School-Wide Mass: We come together as a school every Wednesday (or on Holy Day of Obligation) in the Multipurpose Room.
Sports Masses: Every sports team at JPII has a special mass once a season after school in the Chapel.
Confession: Students are given the opportunity to go to confession during our Advent and Lenten Penance Services. In addition, we offer confessions during Flight Time once a month and before the sports masses after school.
Adoration: Students once a month in their Theology classes spend 20 minutes in the chapel praying and reflecting in the presence of The Blessed Sacrament. In addition, we offer adoration once a month during Flight Time with confession offered as well.
Daily Prayer: In addition to prayer before classes, practices, games, shows, meetings, and concerts; our community begins the school day in prayer and says grace before lunch. The campus chapel, where Our Lord remains in his Eucharistic Presence, is always open for private prayer throughout the day as well.
Parent Prayer Group: All JPII parents and guardians are invited to join in prayer for our students and the JPII community. You have two opportunities to do so each month. One opportunity to come together is the first Wednesday of each month and pray the rosary – St. John Paul II’s favorite prayer. We offer up the rosary for our students, their intentions, and the JPII community. We meet in the school chapel at 8:00 am in the morning to pray. Please sign-in at the front office.
Your second opportunity is on the third Wednesday of the month following the weekly school Mass. We meet in the chapel and share selected bible verses, entreat special intentions, and spend around 30 minutes in silent Adoration before Jesus in the tabernacle.
All parents/guardians are invited to join us on these occasions. Come when you can. We’d love to see you.
Remember… Wednesdays - the 1st and 3rd, let our JPII prayers be heard!
If you have questions, please contact Melanie Sturgis. sturgismlr@gmail.com
Theology Classes: Each student at JPII takes a section of Theology each semester as a requirement for graduation.
Faith Clubs: During Flight Time JPII offers multiple Faith Clubs for our students to participate in. They include Pro-Life, Catholic Relief Services, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Retreat Team (Seniors Only), Broken and Shared Mass Choir, Liturgy Alive (Mass Set-Up), Men’s and Women’s Groups.
Retreats: Every grade level has their own off-campus day retreat. The JPII Retreat Team (Senior classmates under the guidance of Ms. Arominski, Campus Minister) works diligently to plan and execute retreats that are fun and faith filled while learning how to be servant leaders.
Mobile Serve: The Campus Minister works with the Counseling Department to help all JPII students complete the service hours they need to graduate. We do this by posting service opportunities on“MobileServe.” This is also where the students submit their hours on this easy to use app on their phone or their desktop.
Service Days: JPII has two service days a year during the school day. In the fall, for upperclassmen and the spring for underclassmen. Students are placed in service groups which then go out to different non-profit organizations to serve for five hours. Faculty, staff, and parents help to make this day a success by carpooling the students to 12-14 different service sites.
Service Saturdays: JPII offers six Service Saturdays a year where we organize a service opportunity. All a JPII student has to do is sign up, turn in a waiver and come serve with other JPII students.
Get Connected
Ms. Ashley Arominski
Campus Minister
(256) 430-1760 ext. 2114